Internet of Things

Changing the world, one thing at a time.

Our objective? Connecting objects together to make them become smart devices. Together with our partners, we connect things in order to develop services that allow cities to save energy, to improve the safety of houses and cars, or increase business efficiency.

One thing at a time !

What is IOT

Connected objects are equipped with sensors that measure and collect information. They then use a specific technology to communicate this information over multiple media, such as a smartphone, to allow other uses.

This real-time communication is used to optimise many processes and to increase efficiency, profits and security in many areas.

Discover what's possible


Send alerts when certain thresholds (heart rate, blood pressure, temperature...) are reached. For example, monitoring the sugar level of a diabetic person.

Industrial equipment

IoT makes it possible to monitor the work of a machine or the level of a tank without having to be physically present on site.


To be able to verify soil moisture, the amount of light a site receives or the ripening of a plantation.

Logistics needs

To be able to follow vehicles or packages, along with their condition. Control options for street lighting or to create intelligent parking.

Why Orange?

Orange is a major player in the field of the Internet of Things in Belgium.

1. Major mobile, landline and IoT network

We combine our mobile, landline and IoT networks to offer reliable, high-performance solutions on several levels.

2. Service

Our team of experts, specialised in various areas of the Internet of Things and Machine-to-Machine communications, is available 24/7 to answer your questions and assist you.

3. Customisation

We adapt to your needs. We listen to you and identify the ideal solution to meet your goals and help you increase the value of your products or services.

4. Experience

We use our many years of experience to offer you enterprise mobility solutions and to support your mobile and landline communication services.

5. International

Orange is part of an international group of companies offering effective and major solutions in more than 220 countries.

6. An entire ecosystem of qualified partners at your service

We are specialised in multiple domains of the Internet of Things and Machine-to-Machine communications.

Discover our partners

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