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As an entrepreneur, manager or professional you want to be available all the time, everywhere. Orange can give you that certainty thanks to its stable, convergent network that integrates fixed and mobile technology in solutions for your connectivity.
The main asset of the Orange network is its coverage. The network provides mobile and internet coverage for 99% of the Belgian population.
Another strong point is the convergence between fixed and mobile technology. This enables Orange to offer solutions that guarantee you maximum availability, even while moving to a new location. If the fixed lines in your new branch haven’t been connected yet you can still access the internet and email through your mobile numbers. This is all possible thanks to the 4G backup that is a standard feature of the Shape & Fix tariff formula. This means your internet connection is seamlessly taken over by our mobile network, with incoming calls automatically transferred to your mobile number when your landlines are available. Neither you nor your staff will notice a thing.
Another example: mobile coverage inside the walls of your office, warehouse or factory. Modern buildings contain a lot of metal (in concrete and insulation materials). Sometimes this blocks or impedes 4G signals, as a result of which you can’t access the internet or make mobile calls. With the 4G Network Extender, Orange guarantees the same quality mobile coverage, both indoors and outdoors, in return for a modest investment.
These are just two examples of the technological solutions with which Orange guarantees you can call, email and access the internet anytime and anywhere.
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