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Cybersecurity and an appropriate IT infrastructure remain the top priority for Belgian companies. After all, cyber risks are constantly changing and IT infrastructure is becoming increasingly complex. Companies such as Europa Ziekenhuizen and Technord (helping companies transition to Industry 4.0) know all about it. Aubrey Beelen of BKM-Orange, ICT integrator at Orange Belgium, has some tips for SMEs.
A recent survey by Beltug, the ICT industry leaders’ association, showed that cybersecurity and IT infrastructure are some of the key priorities for Belgian companies for the coming year. This is something Aubrey Beelen confirms: “We are seeing increased maturity around cybersecurity and the demand for appropriate solutions. Companies are quicker to question their existing security and are willing to invest.”
“Having the same partner for both connectivity and IT services definitely adds value.”
This is absolutely vital, as the increase in remote working has made cybersecurity a considerably more complex challenge. “Anything to do with working from home is a clear target for cybercriminals. Many SMEs really rely on their IT partners for security, as they find it difficult to recruit suitable people themselves. So having the same partner for both connectivity and IT services definitely adds value,” says Beelen. “Another trend is that more and more IT security solutions are cloud-integrated. As a result, we have far greater computing power available to fight cyberattacks.”
More than ever before, SMEs need to up their game to keep themselves secure. “They are no less targeted or affected by cybercriminals, and yet their IT infrastructures are less capable of dealing with the latest trends. My advice is to allocate sufficient budget for cybersecurity. For example, carrying out an IT infrastructure assessment can be really useful. And the more integrated the solutions used, the more successful your security will be.”
“Put more effort into detection, as not every attack can be prevented.”
BKM-Orange’s expert has even more tips: “Every employee has a responsibility for cybersecurity, so pay sufficient attention to awareness. You can do this through user awareness tests, such as phishing simulations. Another piece of advice is to put more effort into detection. We should be aware that not every attack can be prevented. Good security solutions that include detection and response functions can help,” he says.
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