Focus on cybersecurity


Cybercrime represents the third largest global economy by GDP. So the question is not whether your business will be attacked, but when. How can you optimise your cybersecurity so that your business can grow securely?

Focus on what really matters

Growing companies need the right ICT and connectivity solutions. Our experts will work with you to find those services and applications that give your business tailor-made support. This article takes a closer look at cybersecurity, one of the essential elements of any company's growth process.



Do you want to digitise your business processes, but are you worried that this would make your customer data less secure? Or are you hesitant to interconnect your different warehouses in one network because you're afraid this will turn your business into an easy target? Your fear is not unjustified. Cybercriminals are targeting more businesses than ever. It is estimated that by 2025, companies all over the world will pay almost 10 trillion euros due to cyberattacks. For companies that want to grow, the need for a comprehensive security solution has never been more pressing.


Know your enemy

Digital applications are evolving at lightning speed and the same is true for cyberattacks. Criminals are constantly adjusting their methods and finding new angles of attack. What risks should companies take into account today? Our white paper updates you on what your security solution needs to anticipate.


Your company's security maturity

Cybercriminals now set their sights on all businesses in all industries. No company big or small is safe. Criminals tend to look for the weakest link in companies' security to then deliberately attack it. So companies that want to grow securely would do well to look for any holes in their security themselves. It is also important to assess the company's overall security maturity. This can be done by commissioning a security audit, and our self-scan will also give you an initial outline already.


Strengthen the weakest link

74% of company data breaches involve an employee. However, this is rarely due to malicious intent. Employees often lack sufficient security awareness. They are also exposed to increasingly clever social engineering tricks, the most well-known form of which is phishing. No matter how big your investments in cybersecurity, if you don't strengthen your weakest link, your security risk will remain high.

With the Managed Security Awareness Programme, you can turn your employees into a human firewall. Training sessions and simulations will teach your employees how to recognise dangerous emails and apps. You will also get an overview of the progression for each employee so that you can adjust their training where necessary.


Are you ready to turn your employees into a human shield? Find out more about the Managed Security Awareness Programme now.

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