Smart meeting rooms optimise home working


Home working is becoming commonplace, but many employees want more personal contact. To resolve this paradox, companies must find solutions that also take into account the human aspect.

For many firms, hybrid working has become part and parcel of their staff policy. It makes sense, as 53% of all employees say they expect to be able to work from home1, and of those who have the choice, 70% prefer to do so three days a week2. At the same time, many people are being confronted with the technical limitations of hybrid working. For instance, 91% of home working employees say they are frustrated with inadequate meeting tools3 and, as a result, they increasingly elect to meet in person. This contradiction is known as the hybrid working paradox: although hybrid working is widely adopted, there is a desire for more human contact.


More than just technology

So how can companies tackle this paradox? How can they respect the wish for more home working without sacrificing personal contact? The answer lies in a new approach to hybrid meetings that takes not only the technical but also the human aspect into account. There are three central factors:

  1. Parity
    All employees must feel appreciated and heard during the meeting.
  2. Accessibility
    The meeting must be accessible for all participants, regardless of their location. Every participant must have access to the proper tools and technologies.
  3. Equality
    During the meeting, all participants must see and hear each other in the same way. They must be able to communicate at the same level and there must be room for non-verbal communication.


Meeting room 3.0

In addition to the human aspect of hybrid meetings, choosing the right tools and technology is essential. Investing in a new type of meeting room can optimise the quality of interactions. Depending on the size of your company, you can equip one or two rooms with a capacity of three to 11 people with a bring-your-own-device solution.  

In this type of meeting room, every participant brings their own laptop and connects it to the video conferencing solution. This replaces the camera, microphone and speakers of the individual devices, providing superior video and audio quality. It is a platform-independent approach that lets you use the video conferencing solution regardless of the type of meeting, whether it’s via Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Webex or Google Meet.

A standalone solution may also be suitable for you. This works through a fixed computer in the meeting room, so meetings can take place without an extra laptop. Generally, these solutions use licensed, platform-specific applications such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom or Webex.

Employees who are joining remotely get a full picture of the room and can hear every contribution, leading to greater engagement. By adding a ClickShare solution to the system, you can easily share digital documents, both in the meeting room and beyond.



Looking for the optimal hybrid working solution for your business? Leave us your details and our team will be happy to discuss it with you.


1 Gallup. “The Future of Hybrid Work: 5 Key Questions Answered With Data.” Published 2022.
2 Directions 2021 The Rapidly Evolving Future of Collaboration and Conferencing; NB Webcam Study
3 Freshworks, State of Workplace Technology April 2022

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