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Just over a decade ago, the introduction of 4G signalled the breakthrough of mobile surfing among the public. The advent of 5G heralds a new digital revolution that will mainly create opportunities for business. What does this mean for your SME?
Orange is one of five providers authorised to broadcast 5G signals in Belgium. Since securing the rights to the 5G frequencies, we have started the gradual rollout of the mobile network.
Compared to 4G, 5G is nothing short of a revolution. It is driven by three specific characteristics.
As soon as the 5G network is rolled out in your area, you can start using it. One essential condition is of course that you have a compatible device. You also need a tariff plan that allows you to use the 5G network. As a professional Orange customer, you have nothing to worry about: opting for a Shape tariff automatically gives you access to 5G.
Customers who want to get the most from their mobile network can complement their Shape Intense or Shape Traveller with the Premium Data option. This allows them to surf the 5G network at speeds of up to 1 Gbps. What’s more, they benefit from an extra-large data allowance of 70 GB per month for domestic use and 30 GB per month to surf outside the EU.
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