Is your network ready for the cloud?


The economy of the 21st century is called a network economy for a reason: today’s businesses can no longer thrive without a high-performance network infrastructure that supports working in the cloud. Is your business network cloud-ready?

A corporate network should be flexible, fast and secure. Users should be able to reach the network anytime, anywhere and from any device. But there’s more to it than that. One essential piece of the puzzle that shouldn’t be overlooked is that your network has to be cloud-ready. Working in the cloud can help your business grow, provided you have the appropriate network infrastructure.

Door to the cloud

The cloud offers you both the capacity and flexibility to buy ICT services on demand based on a pay-as-you-go model. Such a model allows you to only pay for the services, connectivity and infrastructure you actually use. This means you can tailor your ICT budget very specifically to your business needs.

At the same time, the cloud allows you to innovate with new technologies, such as IoT and AI. Your network is the door to all those solutions and so plays a crucial role in realising your company’s ambitions.

Best connectivity

Even with a cloud-ready network, everything starts with choosing the best connectivity solution. What is important here is that the selected connectivity supports your business needs today and in the future, and that it enables you to use every possible cloud application. Only then can your connectivity drive the further growth of your business.

Integration and compatibility

To be fully cloud-ready, your network infrastructure also needs to give you access to cloud-native platforms. These are specifically designed with the use of data, systems and applications in the cloud in mind. They bring together your corporate networks (LAN and WAN) with a multi-cloud environment in which you use different clouds – both private and public – within one architecture.

And speaking of architecture, with a cloud-ready network you can also implement software-defined networking technology and organise the management and security of your network via SD-WAN, for example. This ensures your network management is also ready for the future.

Guaranteed business continuity

A stable network infrastructure ensures the continuity of your business operations. As an ICT partner, Orange can help you define your company’s needs and set up a high-performance infrastructure based on those needs. We offer high SLAs, guaranteed high availability and, last but not least, a scalable infrastructure that allows you to manage your operations flexibly and develop them at your own pace, based on the size of your business.


Wondering how to make your network cloud-ready? Contact us and we will gladly put you on the right track .

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