Fully explained: your IP PBX system with FMU


The integration of FMU with your IP PBX system allows your mobile numbers to use all the advantages of your phone exchange. To learn more, read this article, which clearly explains how it all works. 

Build your customised telephony solution

By integrating FMU with your IP PBX exchange, you decide how you want to handle your fixed and mobile calls. You can manage everything centrally and be available on your fixed and mobile devices with one call.

A selection of the available features:

  • Use dual ringing to receive calls on both your fixed and mobile devices.
  • Divert calls to reception or a colleague’s mobile device, possibly using a short number, also from a mobile device.
  • Add your mobile numbers to call groups.
  • Call pick-up: pick up incoming calls for a colleague. FMU allows you to do this with mobile devices as well.
  • Record mobile calls.

Integration with your existing system and devices

You do not have to install any specific software or apps on your mobile devices. FMU works with all mobile phones, even if they are not smartphones. In most cases, you can also continue to use your current IP PBX on your premises or in the cloud. Our experts will take care of the professional integration with your existing installation and the setup.

Unique options

With FMU, you can count on the following options, which are unique in the market:

  • Shared billing with Invoice Split: your employees’ mobile devices can be used in private or business mode. In business mode, the device will connect to the IP PBX. In private mode, it will not. This dual use is the perfect way of splitting the costs of private and business calls between your employee and the company.
  • All FMU options are also available for EU roaming calls. Now that EU roaming charges have ended, you will pay nothing extra. You will simply use the national volumes of your Belgium rate plan. Find out about our connectivity solutions abroad.

Some technical terms clearly explained

We have created a clear overview of the most common technical terms to ensure you find your way through all the jargon.

  • Unified Communications (UC): the integration of communication channels – such as fixed and mobile phones, email and chat – to make mobile and virtual collaboration easier.
  • New Way of Working (NWOW): also referred to as flexible working. Recent developments in technology have allowed employees to work from home or on the go more easily to better control how they use their time.
  • VoIP or Voice-over IP: Voice over Internet Protocol delivers voice communication over the internet. It uses data networks for voice communication and combines speech and data on the same network. Many companies work with VoIP telephone exchanges. The term 'VoIP' refers to the protocol of data transfer over Internet Protocol (IP).
  • (IP) PBX: Internet Protocol Private Branch Exchange is the technology used in telephone exchanges that control VoIP telephones. An IP PBX can automatically divert calls, set call groups, etc. Thanks to the Internet Protocol, the internal telephone network is no longer separate from the internal data network. This makes the integration with services such as email easier.
  • Fixed-Mobile Integration, see also Unified Communications: the integration of fixed and mobile telephony, which makes all features of fixed devices – such as speed dial, conference calls and call recordings – available to mobile phones.
  • Fixed-Mobile Convergence or FMC, see also Fixed-Mobile Integration.
  • Cloud telephony, see also VoIP, refers to calls over the internet. All communication goes over the data network, which makes any separate telephone lines or exchanges on your premises redundant.


Want to know more about FMU? Discover all the benefits of this professional solution for unified communications in this video.

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