5G brings innovation to your business


5G offers more than just a speed upgrade of the mobile network. The technology constitutes the essential link in the digital transformation of businesses in various industries. Here are a few examples to illustrate the versatility of 5G.

Innovation in every industry

In industry, the plant of the future uses 5G. Machines can be replaced or repaired quickly thanks to continuous real-time monitoring through sensors that measure deviations. The result? A safer, more relialbe plant.

5G makes your staff even more mobile. Using smart glasses they can consult an expert even from a great distance, while virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) enable them to engage in realistic training situations and simulations that wouldn’t be possible otherwise.

There are also prospects in agriculture. Advanced algorithms use the cloud to identify or catalogue items. Pesticides are only sprayed on weeds, and fruit-picking robots don’t touch unripe fruit.

Experiment with our experts

5G is clearly so much more than just technology: it paves the way to the future. In 2019 Orange was the first mobile operator in Belgium to launch a standalone 5G network in the port of Antwerp. Since then we have supported countless businesses in their digital transformation. Our experts are ready to usher your business into the 5G age too.



Would you like to discover even more innovative 5G applications? Explore the possibilities of 5G.

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