How is 5G responding the needs of companies and their customers?


5G is opening up new opportunities in the business world. Orange is currently working together with its clients on six 5G innovations in as many fields: ports, mobility, energy, industry, public services and sports.

Six international 5G innovations between the Orange Group and its clients

By installing a test network, the Orange Group has allowed its clients to benefit from the possibilities offered by 5G. The 5G test networks, one of which is in Belgium, have targeted different corporate sectors. They have resulted in plenty of innovation, opening up new perspectives an opportunities in the B2B world.

1. Smart harbour

The Port of Antwerp is Europe´s second largest harbour, extending across an area of 129 km². Thanks to a 5G test network installed by Orange Belgium, the various companies based at the port are able to co-innovate and take advantage of the full power of 5G. Most notably, they have cut the network into virtual slices (a process known as slicing). This makes it possible to adapt the connectivity of each company in terms of the quality of services, thus offering greater flexibility.

2. Smart energy

Lacroix Group, an international technological equipment supplier based in France, is developing an IoT module that will benefit from 5G connectivity. Designed for the technical management of buildings, the module collects information from numerous sensors to remotely control air conditioning systems. Thanks to the 5G network installed by Orange France, these large data flows are transmitted in real time and post-processed remotely. The result? Smarter energy management in buildings and more agile factories.

3. Smart industry

Schneider Electric, a French industrial group, is working with ‘augmented technicians’ at its factory. These technicians use an augmented-reality tablet or virtual-reality glasses, allowing them to directly access technical documents or receive assistance from a remote technician. The low latency of the 5G network installed by Orange France increases the augmented technicians’ effectiveness. In this way, the factory is increasing its own productivity.

4. Smart mobility  

Thanks to the high capacities offered by 5G, vehicles are now able to communicate with their environments at incredible speeds. Orange France is co-innovating with TEQMO, the first autonomous vehicle test centre in France, in order to improve mobility. The communication of information between vehicles via 5G makes it possible to improve the use of infrastructure. For example, the vehicles are able to adjust their speeds by anticipating the traffic, thus adapting their movements to be more fluid, preventing accidents and offering us safer roads.

5. Smart city

The SNCF railway company and Orange France are working to improve the experiences of travellers in railway stations. Thanks to the millimetric frequencies (26 GHz) 5G uses and its ultra-high mobile speeds, travellers will be able to, for example, download all the episodes of a TV series in just a few seconds while waiting for their train. A great way to enjoy your journey!

6. Smart stadium

The Orange Vélodrome in Marseilles is the first stadium in France to receive 5G. Thanks to the extension of the 5G coverage throughout the city, the Olympique de Marseille – the club playing at the Vélodrome – is able to work with Orange on a new innovation: spectators at sporting events will be able to benefit from immersive augmented listening experiences. For example, via an app on their smartphones and thanks to 5G’s high speed and low latency, they will be able to listen to what the referee is saying, the sound coming from the stands opposite or the analysis of a commentator. Better yet, they’ll have the possibility of mixing all audio sources to create a unique and personalised experience.


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