Need more mobile data? Shape by Orange has the answer


In just one year, the average monthly mobile data usage in Belgium soared by 59 per cent. The monthly data bundles from Orange respond to this trend.

Mobile data is popular with consumers, and Belgian companies love it as well. It’s becoming increasingly important in every business. Just ask Belgian telecom regulator BIPT. They’ve published important figures in their latest annual report: in 2019, the average subscriber used 3 GB data a month, 59% more than the previous year.

Trends that influence data consumption

Home working and the pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has increased the use of mobile data. Anyone working from home usually used their wifi network. But it’s still useful – and sometimes recommended – to have access to a stable 4G connection. That way, teleworkers can keep working even when their wifi network is overloaded. The international agency Tefficient saw the use of mobile data increase in every country last year.

Unlimited subscriptions and zero rating

The BIPT has found that consumers are using more data following the introduction of unlimited subscriptions and the availability of the so-called zero rating. With zero rating customers are offered a kind of zero rate on data traffic for a specific (or self-chosen) app or mobile app category.  

4G drives up consumption

The research by Tefficient shows that in Belgium, the consumption of 4G (and 5G) mobile users is 1.8 times greater than that of users with an average SIM card. In short, data consumption is higher when people use a fast(er) mobile network.


Finland is the front runner

It looks like Belgium is on the map for data usage. Still, a recent survey by the agency Tefficient showed that data usage in our country remains much lower than, for example, Finland, the country with the highest mobile data use. Usage there is just shy of 26 GB per month per user. 

Orange increased Shape data allowances at no additional cost

To cater to this growing demand Orange significantly increased data allowances in the Shape formulas from 16 February 2020. In doing so, Orange creates a host of new opportunities at no additional cost for companies.

Take a look at all the new extras for each Shape plan:



You can closely monitor your monthly data consumption in your Customer Zone.

Activation of 4G in Shape Light formula

As a result of the data increase from 50 MB to 500 MB (or 1 GB for Shape & Fix customers), Orange activated 4G in this formula. That means, as a Shape Light customer, you’ll enjoy a faster data connection and access to Voice over WiFi and Voice over LTE services.


Is your workforce increasingly mobile? Check which Shape formula suits you best.

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