Hybrid working
Seamless collaboration
Hybrid working has given companies and their employees a great deal more flexibility. How can you optimise this way of working? Which applications do you need to create a virtual meeting room that ensures everyone has the same experience?
Hybrid working
Seamless collaboration
Hybrid working has given companies and their employees a great deal more flexibility. How can you optimise this way of working? Which applications do you need to create a virtual meeting room that ensures everyone has the same experience?
The right tools
Online meetings as good as in-person
Although hybrid working has been thoroughly integrated in many companies, staff often face technical issues. Inadequate meeting tools are usually the cause of these problems and can result in low engagement during online meetings. How can you do better?
Our experts talk
Employees like to have the option of working from home, but at the same time they miss the human contact of their office environment. Companies can resolve this hybrid working paradox by using specialised meeting applications. Jochen Merckx, Product Manager at Orange Belgium, examines the issue and demonstrates how hybrid working can be organised in a seamless and productive way.
Hybrid solutions for your company
In the past, teleworking solutions primarily had to fulfil several technical conditions. However, experience has shown that the human aspect of meetings should also be taken into account. By opting for a meeting 3.0 application tailored to your business, you create a meeting ecosystem that combines technical possibilities and human interactions.
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Want to optimise hybrid working? Let’s discuss your options
Are you looking for an ICT solution that ensures smooth meetings and boosts engagement? Our experts will be happy to explore your options with you.
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Focus on what really matters
As an entrepreneur, you obviously prefer to concentrate on the core of your business. Orange Belgium aims to give you the support you need by offering the right ICT solutions, not just for hybrid working but also for digital transformation, cybersecurity and innovation.