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The Wavre-based subsidiary of Arkopharma distributes, to the Belgian and Luxembourg markets, phytotherapeutic products and food supplements produced by its French parent company. Most of the employees are constantly on the road visiting pharmacies and parapharmacies, but they remain perfectly accessible thanks to Orange, a partner with whom Arkopharma is fully satisfied.
Because of the nature of Arkopharma’s activities in Belgium, the sales force and the phytoconsultants spend a lot of time on the road. “We needed the employees to be fully accessible at any time of day. They not only have to be accessible by phone, but also be able to access the Internet in real time to place orders via their tablet or portable PC,” explains Grégory Zagaria, Administrative and Accounting Manager of Arkopharma in Belgium.
To get to the top, you need good partners.
Orange proposed Arkopharma its all-in-one solution Shape & Fix, combining fixed telephony, mobile telephony and high-speed Internet. “We didn’t want a standardised solution,” emphasises Grégory Zagaria. “With Shape & Fix, we can tailor the formulas to match the employees. For example, managers need greater surfing volume.” But that’s not the only advantage of Shape & Fix. Arkopharma appreciates the fact that the costs are predictable and easily identifiable on the invoice, which simplifies the administration. Grégory Zagaria highlights another fundamental point: “The support they provide is a real plus. The technical assistance has extensive hours of availability. Hard to do better.”
“You have to live at the height of your ambitions,” observes Grégory Zagaria. “To hold a dominant position on the market, we have to surround ourselves with the best. And Orange is a part of that. A few years ago, we wanted to see what the competition had to offer, so we spent a year with a different operator. Result of the experiment? We very quickly returned to Orange, because we weren’t satisfied. Orange is the perfect player in a competitive market because it offers better service at an interesting price.”
“Orange’s solution is complete, effective and flexible, which corresponds in every point to what we were looking for. Moreover, we enjoy a very interesting rate,” Grégory Zagaria notes before concluding. “And there’s a very good rapport. I believe that it’s essential to have a contact person you can trust, and that’s the case at Orange: our contact person is always willing to listen and is very responsive.”
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