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Remote working demands extra effort and a great deal of organisation from all of us. Orange strives to help you as much as possible by safeguarding your efficiency and productivity— no matter where you’re working from. We do this in several ways.
Even in these exceptional times our experts are ready to answer all of your questions, both by phone and email. And with the same speed and efficiency you’re used to. Thanks to our smooth organisation and the dedication of our employees, our waiting times and the quality of our service remain unchanged. Go to our business contact page to discover how best to contact us.
Orange is in constant contact with the government to ensure our high-performance network remains as efficient as usual. Interventions and upgrades are carried out remotely whenever possible, and repairs are taking place as planned. For Shape & Fix customers and Fix Corporate customers, preference is given to critical sectors. Urgent installations are also being performed, under safe circumstances. New installations for Fix & Shape customers have unfortunately been postponed for the time being.
If your employees are using their mobile devices to work from home, good fleet management is even more important than normal. The good news is you can manage your fleet yourself, from anywhere you like, including the comfort of your home. Online tools such as your Customer Zone offer an overview of all your devices. It offers plenty of options, including the possibility of adding extra cards. And if your employees need more data now they’re working from home, you can easily adjust their data volume. As for your employees? They can easily monitor their consumption and payments via the My Orange app.
Orange offers a host of effective tools to keep you in touch with team members working from home. For example, as a Shape customer, you have free access to the Conference Call option, enabling you to set up group calls with up to 6 participants via your smartphone.
What if your coverage is not as good as at the office? With VoWiFi (Voice over Wi-Fi) or VoLTE (Voice over 4G/LTE) you can not only call in the traditional way (via the 2G or 3G network) but also via Wi-Fi. This extra service is free of charge. You don’t even need a separate app to use it. If you want to call over Wi-Fi you will need to adjust the settings on your phone. But once you’ve taken care of this you won’t have to do anything else: your smartphone will automatically call over the strongest network, whether it’s the Wi-Fi network or Orange’s mobile network.
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