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You and your employees may need to be reachable, even when travelling abroad regardless of whether you go abroad for work or pleasure. But how much do phone calls from and to another country actually cost? We provide an overview.
Where do roaming charges apply and where don't they? What about your data bundle abroad? Which plan is best in what country? When you travel abroad, sometimes it is hard to see the wood for the trees, and you need clarity on your phone charges. We summarise here the information you need before you go.
If you are staying in the EU zone, you don't need to worry. The same rates will apply to your outgoing calls as they do in Belgium. Receiving calls is also free. So within the EU, you don't have to take any action to make calls at a low rate.
Orange has a Best Destinations list of the most popular foreign countries. This list includes: Australia, Canada, China, Egypt, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Cape Verde, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, the United States, South Africa and Switzerland.
If you are travelling to one of these destinations, it is best to choose one of these two plans.
If you are travelling to a destination that is not included in our Best Destinations list, the World Traveller option or World Traveller Pass is right for you. It offers you 120 minutes and texts and 250 MB of data for one month (with the option) or a 40-day period (with the Pass) for worldwide calls, texts and mobile data browsing.
When you or your employees are planning to travel abroad, use our simulation tool to see what option is the most suitable.
As the fleet manager, you can then easily activate the desired option or pass for each employee in the Customer Zone. If you are using Invoice Split and your employees are paying part of their telephone charges themselves, they can use the Orange app to indicate that they will be travelling and to choose the right option.
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